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Alysha Fewster is an artist based in Muloobinba (Newcastle, NSW). Fewster’s interdisciplinary practice spans a range of mediums, including performance, installation, sound, and video. 

Fewster incorporates academic art and human geography into her practice, with much of her work investigating edges, emplacement, connection and environmentalism. With an emphasis on place and the bodily experience, Fewster’s work considers the audience's experience of the work as central to the work itself, positioning the bodies of people interacting with her artworks as part of the artworks. 

 Fewster’s use of mindful making methodologies, and sharp focus on materialities, postures the process of artistic development as central to the artistic outcome. Fewster considers the experience of art to be a collaboration between the artist and audience; the artist offering up a set of ideas, and the audience taking in and reconceptualising those ideas, imbued with their own personal meaning.

Click here for Alysha Fewster's CV.

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